Web Server
Sartronics.com Peasy Mail server comes with an in built light web server. It is used to display a basic web site. Peasy Web Server supports a set of special instruction to support shopping carts, statistics and allow common HTML sections to use single files.
To set it up all that is required is to specify a folder where the web site's HTML files are kept it along with the home page and to enable the IP port on which to listen.
The web server options are available from the menu Server > Web server options.
Web wizard
To get started quick with a brand new website just use the web wizard from the menu Server > Web wizard. It will quick generate a simple demonstration web site. This can then be used as starting point for a working web site. Using the web editor the
Web Editor
To easily edit the web site pages use the web editor from the menu Server > Web editor.
Special instructions
The special instructions are inserted into HTML files. They all have the following format.
<?Peasy ... />
This ables the code to be used in HTML files without any confict. The <? and /> follow the rules for HTML tag. The <?Peasy make it a special tag that is only understood by the Sartronics Peasy Web Server. Other Web servers will just ignore this and send it on as part of the HTML file. Note that these special instuctions can not be embedded into other HTML tags, that would break the rules for HTML format.
The Peasy Web Server will remove these instructions and replace it with the intended HTML data if any.
The following list the supported special instructions. Note that they can be easily set and adjusted with the Web Editor.
Instruction |
Description |
include |
Includes a file. <?Peasy include(file="title.html") /> |
products.create |
Creates a new product. If the product code is the same it will update the product. <?Peasy products.create(code="MYCODE123",price="US$100.00") /> |
products.text |
Displays the text for a products attribute. <?Peasy products.text(code=MyStockCode01,attrib=price)/> |
products.thumbnail |
Displays the products thumbnail picture. <?Peasy products.thumbnail(code=MyStockCode01,width=200,height=100)/> |
products.image |
Displays the products image. There can be several picture with an index number. <?Peasy products.image(code=MyStockCode01,index=2,width=200,height=100)/> |
customer.cart |
Genates a customer cart table. <?Peasy customer.cart(nextpage=checkout.html,button="Proceed",updatebutton="Update"col(name="Product",width=150,attrib=name)/> |
customer.details |
Generates a page to allow a customer to enter there details.
<?Peasy customer.details(nextpage=thankyou.html,button="Purchase",field(label="Your first name",attrib=name,required=yes)/> |
customer.save |
Logs the customer details and their purchase to a file. <?Peasy customer.save(file="\Data\orders.txt")/> |
customer.email |
Creates and send an email of the customer details and their purchase to a mail receipient. <?Peasy customer.email(to=sales@mysite.com)/> |
customer.ref |
This displays the purchase reference number. <?Peasy customer.ref/> |
stats.pages |
Creates a table of daily hit counts for every HTML page. This does not include web bots or local connection. <?Peasy stats.pages(col(name="Page Name",width=600,attrib=name),col(name="Hit Count",width=200,attrib=hitcnt,days=14),page(name="thankyou.html"))/> |
stats.pagecnt |
This gives a count of pages with regards to options supplied. <?Peasy stats.pagecnt(htmlonly,nojpg,nopng,nogif,notxt,nozip)/> |
stats.visitors |
Creates a table of visitors with a count of the number of times they visited. <?Peasy stats.visitors(col(name="Address",width=400,attrib=ip),col(name="Name",width=600,attrib=name),col(name="Visits",width=200,attrib=visits)) /> |
stats.visitorcnt |
This gives a count of visitors with regards to options supplied. <?Peasy stats.visitorcnt(norobots,nolocals,browseronly)/> |
stats.visits |
This gives a count of the total number of unique visits of various types. This has to be one of the items in the "Statistics Visits type parameter". Refer below. Note this number can be bigger than the table of visits, as the table data expiry and can be over written if too much data is collected. <?Peasy stats.visits(type=browsers)/> |
stats.since |
This prints the date time since the statistic began. This reflects the last time that the web statistics were reset. <?Peasy stats.since/> |
graph.pages |
Creates a bar chart of the daily hit counts (not including web bots or local connection), with days on the x axis and the hit count on the y axis. <?Peasy graph.pages(page="index.html",width=800,height=600,x(name="Days from today"),y(name="Hit Count"))/> |
Action.email |
This sends an email when the page is viewed. <?Peasy action.email(to="sales@sartronics.com")/> |
uptime |
This displays the date time when the server last restarted. <?Peasy uptime/> |
Product Create parameter types
Parameter types |
Description |
code |
Product code. Note this is used as a reference to this product. This field is required the other field |
price |
Sale price of the product. |
name |
Name of the product. |
model |
Product model. |
version |
Product's version. |
revision |
Products revision. |
description |
Description of the product |
summary |
Brief description of the product. |
thumbnail |
Small image of the product. |
image |
Images of the product. |
quantity |
Quantity of stock or quantity to purchase. |
weight |
Weigh of product. |
Customer Cart parameters
Parameter |
Description |
nextpage |
Next HTML page to proceed to. |
button |
Button label to proceed to next page to purchase goods. |
updatebutton |
Update button label to update the price based upon new quantity entered. |
width |
Percentage width of the table to the page. |
col |
Attributes of cart column. Refer below. |
Customer Cart Col (column) parameters
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Name of the column. It is shown at the top of the column. |
width |
Width of the column. |
attribute |
Attribute of the product to display in the column. |
Customer Details parameters
Parameter |
Description |
nextpage |
Next HTML page to proceed to. |
button |
Button label to proceed to next page to purchase goods. |
width |
Percentage width of the table to the page. |
field |
Customer attributes to show in the field |
Customer Details field parameters
Parameter |
Description |
label |
Label for the field |
attribute |
Attribute of the customer to display in the field. This has to be one of the items in the "Customer Details field parameter type". Refer below. |
required |
This field must be entered in order to continue. This parameter can be set to "yes" for true or "no" for false, if not set to either it will be set to true. If not specifed at all then is is not set and the parameter will be false. |
sameline |
This means that this field will continue on the same line. This parameter can be set to "yes" for true or "no" for false, if not set to either it will be set to true. If not specifed at all then is is not set and the parameter will be false. |
multiline |
This is a multiline field. The number of columns and rows can also be specified.This parameter can be set to "yes" for true or "no" for false, if not set to either it will be set to true. If not specifed at all then is is not set and the parameter will be false. |
cols |
Number of characters across a multiline field. |
rows |
Number of rows down a multiline field. |
Customer Details field Attrib (Attribute) type
Attribute type |
Description |
name |
Customer's name |
surname |
Customer's surname |
company |
Company |
address |
Customer's address |
country |
Customer's country |
postcode |
Customer's post code |
Customer's email |
hometel |
Customer's home telephone number |
mobiletel |
Customer's mobile telephone number |
cctype |
Credit card type |
ccnumber |
Credit card number |
ccmonth |
Credit card expiry month |
ccyear |
Credit card expiry year |
ccname |
Name on credit card |
ccvalid |
Credit card validity code |
notes |
Purchase notes |
cctype.visa |
Visa credit card type |
cctype.master |
Mastercard credit card type |
cctype.amex |
American Express credit card type |
HREF to add a product to a customers cart
To add a product to a customers cart use the following at the end of the href file path.
<a href="../cart.html?for=cart&add=MyCode1">
This will open up the page ../cart.html and place the product with code MyCode1 onto the customers list.
Stats (Statistics) Pages parameters
Parameter |
Description |
col |
Attributes of a tables column. Refer below. |
nohtml |
Exclude html pages |
nojpg |
Exclude jpeg pages from the list. |
nopng |
Exclude png pages from the list. |
nogif |
Exclude giff pages from the list. |
notxt |
Exclude text pages from the list. |
nozip |
Exclude zip pages from the list. |
nocss |
Exclude css files from the list. |
only |
Only is used to restrict the pages to one type. Such as only=html This can be set to one of the following html jpeg png giff text zip css |
Stats (Statistics) Pages Col (column) parameters
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Name of the column. It is shown at the top of the column. |
width |
Width of the column. |
attrib |
Attribute of the page statistic to display in the column. This can be one of the following. name hitcnt hitcntav |
days |
This is only used if the column attribute is set to hitcnt. This allows the hit count to be shown for a number of days with a separate column for each day. If the name parameter is not specified then the date will be used for the column heading. |
Stats (Statistics) Pages Page parameters
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Name of the web page to include in the table. Note that without this parameter then all pages will included, with the exception of any that do not meet the page type exclusion settings |
Stats (Statistics) Visitors parameters
Parameter |
Description |
col |
Attributes of a tables column. Refer below. |
norobots |
Exclude web robot seach engine visitors files from the list. |
nolocals |
Exclude local visitors from the list. This are visitors with an IP address of, 198.168.*.* or 10.*.*.*. |
nobrowsers |
Exclude visits from a browser. These are visitors that request favicon.ico file. |
only |
Only is used to restrict the visitor to one type. Such as only=browers This can be set to one of the following robots locals browsers |
Stats (Statistics) Visitors Col (column) parameters
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Name of the column. It is shown at the top of the column. |
width |
Width of the column. |
attrib |
Attribute of the page statistic to display in the column. This can be one of the following address name visits since robots local browser |
Stats (Statistics) Visitors Col (column) Attrib (Attributes)
Parameter |
Description |
address |
Visitors WWW address. |
name |
The hostname of the visitors IP address. |
visits |
Number of visits. |
since |
This shows the data time since last visit. |
robot |
This column shows "yes" if the visitor is a web robot search engine. |
local |
This column shows "yes" if the visitor is local. |
browser |
This column shows "yes" if the visitor is a browser. |
Stats (Statistics) Visits Types
Types |
Description |
all |
This gives a count of the total number of unique visits not including web robots or local connection. Note this number can be bigger than the table of visits, as the table data expiry and can be over written if too much data is collected. <?Peasy stats.visits(type=all) /> |
browsers |
This gives a count of the total number of unique visits. Note this number can be bigger than the table of browser visits, as the table data expiry and can be over written if too much data is collected. <?Peasy stats.visits(type=browser)/> |
robot |
This gives a count of the total number of unique robot visits. Note this number can be bigger than the table of robot visits, as the table data expiry and can be over written if too much data is collected. <?Peasy stats.visits(type=robot)/> |
local |
This gives a count of the total number of unique visits. Note this number can be bigger than the table of local visits, as the table data expiry and can be over written if too much data is collected. <?Peasy stats.visits(type=local)/> |
day |
This is the average unique visits per day. This does not include web bots or local connection. <?Peasy stats.visits(type=day)/> |
Graph Pages parameters
Parameter |
Description |
page |
Name of the HTML page. If the parameter is not specified then the maximum hit count of any of the pages is used. |
width |
Overal width of the graph. |
height |
Overal height of the graph. |
axis |
Axis parameter. Refer below. |
only |
Only is used to restrict the pages to one type for getting the maximum hit count. This can be set to one of the following html jpg png gif txt zip css |
nojpg |
Do not use any ".jpg" or ".jpeg" files for getting the maximum hit count. |
nopng |
Do not use any ".png" files for getting the maximum hit count. |
nogif |
Do not use any ".gif" or ".giff" files for getting the maximum hit count. |
notxt |
Do not use any ".txt" or ".text" files for getting the maximum hit count. |
nozip |
Do not use any ".zip", "arj", "7z" or "z" files for getting the maximum hit count. |
nocss |
Do not use any ".css" files for getting the maximum hit count. |
Graph Pages Axis parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
This can be X or Y. |
name |
Name of the axis. |
Action Email parameters
Parameter |
Description |
to |
This is the destination email address. |
Example of first HTML entry page
This creates the products. The products only need to be created once after a restart.
<?Peasy products.create(code="MyCode1",price="US$100.00",name="Super Product",summary="Super product everyone needs",thumbnail="pic1.png") />
<?Peasy products.create(code="MyCode2",price="US$200.00",name="Super Product 2",summary="Super product everyone absolutely needs="pic2.png") />
<?Peasy include(file="banner.html") />
<?Peasy include(file="sidebar.html") />
<p>We offer super products.</p>
<?Peasy include(file="footer.html") />
Example of first HTML entry page with product prices
This creates the products. The products only need to be created once after a restart. It also lists the products with its prices.
<?Peasy products.create(code="MyCode1",price="US$100.00",name="Super Product",summary="Super product everyone needs",thumbnail="pic1.png") />
<?Peasy products.create(code="MyCode2",price="US$200.00",name="Super Product 2",summary="Super product everyone absolutely needs="pic2.png") />
<?Peasy include(file="banner.html") />
<?Peasy include(file="sidebar.html") />
<p>We offer super products.</p>
<p><a href="../cart.html?for=cart&add=MyCode1"> Super Product 1 costs <?Peasy products.text(code=SA-Win,attrib=price) />.</a></p>
<p><a href="../cart.html?for=cart&add=MyCode1"> Super Product 2 costs <?Peasy products.text(code=MyCode2,attrib=price) />.</a></p>
<?Peasy include(file="footer.html") />
Example of cart.html page
This shows the customers shopping cart
<?Peasy include(file="banner.html") />
<?Peasy include(file="sidebar.html") />
<h2>Shopping cart contents</h2>
<?Peasy customer.cart(nextpage=checkout.html,button="Proceed to checkout",updatebutton="Update",width=77,col(width=32,height=32,attrib=thumbnail),col(name="Product",width=150,attrib=name),col(name="Description",width=400,attrib=summary),col(name="Price",width=50,attrib=price),col(name="Quantity",width=50,attrib=quantity),col(name="Total",width=50,attrib=total)) />
<br />
<p> <font color="yellow">To remove an item from cart set the quantity to 0.</font></p>
<br />
<p> </p>
<?Peasy include(file="footer.html") />
Example of checkout.html page
This asks for the customers details
<?Peasy include(file="banner.html") />
<?Peasy include(file="sidebar.html") />
<p>Please enter the following details and press purchase</p>
<?Peasy customer.details(nextpage=thankyou.html,button="Purchase",width=77,field(label="Your first name",attrib=name,required),field(label="Your family name",attrib=surname,required),field(label="Company / Organisation name",attrib=company),field(label="Your email",attrib=email,required),field(label="Credit card type",attrib=cctype.visa,units="Visa"),field(attrib=cctype.master,units="Mastercard",sameline=yes),field(label="Credit card number",attrib=ccnumber,units="(spaces permitted)",required),field(label="Credit card expiry",attrib=ccmonth,required),field(label="/",attrib=ccyear,required=yes,sameline=yes),field(label="Name on credit card",attrib=ccname,required),field(label="Credit card validation code",attrib=ccvalid,required,mask=8),field(label="Addition notes:",attrib=notes,multiline,cols=55,rows=8)) />
<br />
<p> </p>
<?Peasy include(file="footer.html") />
Example of thankyou.html page
This thanks the customer and generates the purchase
<?Peasy include(file="banner.html") />
<?Peasy include(file="sidebar.html") />
<?Peasy customer.save(file="C:\ProgramData\PeasyMailServer\orders.txt") />
<?Peasy customer.email(to=sales@sartronics.com) />
<h2>Thank you</h2>
<p>Thank you for your purchase.</p>
<p>We will be in contact you with.</p>
<p>If you have any further quiries please refer to your purchase reference number <?Peasy customer.ref?>.</p>
<p> </p>
<a href="index.html">Return to home page.</a>
<?Peasy include(file="footer.html") />
Example of banner.html page
This is the common banner page.
<style type="text/css">
.banner_A{border-collapse:collapse;table-layout:auto;border: 0px solid #000000;}
.banner_B{padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;border-left: 3px solid #FF7FFF;border-top: 3px solid #FF7FFF;border-right: 3px solid #FF7FFF;border-bottom: 3px solid #FF7FFF;background-color:#FFFFFF;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(marble.jpg);}
.banner_C{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:32pt;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#0000FF;margin:0 0 0 0;}
.banner_D{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16pt;text-align:right;margin:5 0 5 0;}
.banner_E{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16pt;text-align:center;margin:5 0 5 0;}
.banner_F{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;text-align:center;margin:5 0 5 0;}
<table width="100%" class="banner_A" style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px">
<colgroup><col width="100%"></colgroup>
<td class="banner_B">
<p class="banner_C">
<img src="/banner_0.png" width="128" height="128" alt="banner_0.png">
<p class="banner_D"><a href="index.html">foo.com</a> is the place for wonderful smiles </p>
Example of sidebar.html page
This is the common sidebar page.
<div style="float:left;width:210px;">
<style type="text/css">
.leftside_A{border-collapse:collapse;table-layout:auto;border: 0px solid #000000;}
.leftside_B{padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;border-left: 3px solid #FF7FFF;border-top: 3px solid #FF7FFF;border-right: 3px solid #FF7FFF;border-bottom: 3px solid #FF7FFF;background-color:#FFFFFF;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(marble.jpg);}
.leftside_C{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:32pt;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#0000FF;margin:0 0 0 0;}
.leftside_D{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16pt;text-align:right;margin:5 0 5 0;}
.leftside_E{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16pt;text-align:center;margin:5 0 5 0;}
.leftside_F{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;text-align:center;margin:5 0 5 0;}
<p class="leftside_F"> </p>
<table width="100%" class="leftside_A" style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px">
<colgroup><col width="100%"></colgroup>
<td class="leftside_B">
<div class="leftside_E"><a href="/index.html">Home</a></div>
<p class="leftside_F"> </p>
<table width="100%" class="leftside_A" style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px">
<colgroup><col width="100%"></colgroup>
<td class="leftside_B">
<div class="leftside_E"><a href="/products.html">Products</a></div>
Example of footer.html page
This is the common footer page.
<style type="text/css">
.footer_A{border-collapse:collapse;table-layout:auto;border: 0px solid #000000;}
.footer_B{padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;border-left: 3px solid #FF7FFF;border-top: 3px solid #FF7FFF;border-right: 3px solid #FF7FFF;border-bottom: 3px solid #FF7FFF;background-color:#FFFFFF;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(marble.jpg);}
.footer_C{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:32pt;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#0000FF;margin:0 0 0 0;}
.footer_D{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16pt;text-align:right;margin:5 0 5 0;}
.footer_E{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16pt;text-align:center;margin:5 0 5 0;}
.footer_F{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;text-align:center;margin:5 0 5 0;}
<table width="100%" class="footer_A" style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px">
<colgroup><col width="100%"></colgroup>
<td class="footer_B">
<p class="footer_F">Copyright MyWebSite.com (2010)</p>
Example of hit count statistics table page
This is page produces the number of hit counts, since the statistics were reset and a hit count table.
<h2>Pages Statistics</h2>
Number of visitors <?Peasy stats.visits(type=all)/> since <?Peasy stats.since/> with a daily average of <?Peasy stats.visits(type=day)/>.
The Server has been running since <?Peasy uptime />.
<h3>Web Pages Hit Counts</h3>
<?Peasy stats.pages(col(name="Page Name",width=600,attrib=name),col(width=200,attrib=hitcnt,days=14),col(name="Average",width=200,attrib=hitcntav)) />
Example of a visitors table page
This is page produces the number of hit counts, since the statistics were reset and two visitors tables. One to show the number of unique visitors and one to show all visitors including webbots and local connections.
<h2>Visitors Statistics</h2>
Number of visitors <?Peasy stats.visits(type=all)/> since <?Peasy stats.since/> with a daily average of <?Peasy stats.visits(type=day)/>.
The Server has been running since <?Peasy uptime/>.
<h3>Browser Web Visitors</h3>
Total count is <?Peasy stats.visitorcnt(only=browser)/>.
<?Peasy stats.visitors(only=browser,col(name="Address",width=400,attrib=address),col(name="Name",width=600,attrib=name),col(name="Last visit",width=300,attrib=since),col(name="Visits",width=200,attrib=visits)) />
<h3>Web Visitors</h3>
<?Peasy stats.visitors(norobot,nolocal,col(name="Address",width=400,attrib=address),col(name="Name",width=600,attrib=name),col(name="Last visit",width=300,attrib=since),col(name="Visits",width=200,attrib=visits)) />
<h3>Web Visitors (including webbots and local connections)</h3>
Total count is <?Peasy stats.visitorcnt() />.
<?Peasy stats.visitors(col(name="Address",width=400,attrib=address),col(name="Name",width=600,attrib=name),col(name="Last visit",width=300,attrib=since),col(name="Browser",width=100,attrib=browser),col(name="Robot",width=100,attrib=robot),col(name="Local",width=100,attrib=local),col(name="Visits",width=200,attrib=visits)) />
Example of hit count graph page
This is page shows then number of hit counts, since the statistics were reset and a hit count bar graph.
<h3>Web Pages Hit Counts Chart</h3>
<?Peasy graph.pages(width=1000,height=600,x(label="Date from today"),y(label="Hit Count")) />