The search feature can be opened with key combination Ctrl s, Ctrl Shift F or by pressing the tool bar icon . It will find and list all files that match the search criteria.
When a search is applied the tabs current path will show with a pink back ground. This indicates the file panel is actually showing the search results and not the files in that folder. When the current path is changed the search results will be cleared. Alternative opening the search window again the 'Begin' button will show 'Stop', unless a field is changed. If stop is selected the previous search results will clear.
Match in File Name
All the files from the current File Panel are compared with the text entered in the two fields. If both fields are left blank then all the files will be considered in the search. If the text is present then it must be found with in the file name. For example to find all docx files then enter ".docx" with the '.' leading dot character. If both fields have text then all file names that have either of them in the name will be selected. In order to have both text as part of the same name then select the button. It will then appear as
with the highlighted background. If the not button is depressed then only names without the text will be selected.
For case insensitive search press the , it will show with a highlighted background when selected. Note that for Windows operating system this is preselected by default and will initially show as selected.
Contains Text
To further refine the file search the files contains can be checked for particular phrases. Up to 4 in combination can be entered.The file will be selected if it contains any one of the text. fields. To enable 'and' logic press the button it will then appear as
with the highlighted background. If the Not option is ticket then files that contain the text will not be selected.
Note that if there is a combination of 'and' and 'or' logic then the 'and' will have precedence.
For case insensitive search press the , it will show with a highlighted background when selected.
Time Range
To further refine the file search the files date stamp can checked. If no date is entered then all file are accepted. If a date is entered then if it is in the first field the file will only be accepted if it is on that date or more recent. To choose files before the date tick the before option. If the date is entered in the second field then all files on that date and earlier will be selected. If the After option is ticked then it will instead select the files with a later date.
Note if both date fields are entered and they overlap then the date that is between is used to select the files.