Home / Office Routers
It is common for homes and small offices to connect to the web through a ISP route. The following is a guide to access these devices. From this a list of all connect device IP can be seen.
Getting Routers IP Address
From a computer command prompt or just the start command enter 'ipconfig'. Note for Linux computers the command is 'ifconfig' instead. This will give a list of all the computer's IP connections. The response will look something like the following.
Look for an address starting with 192.168 or 10.0. In this case 5 lines from the bottom is The trick is the routers IP addess is nearly always uses the same IP address but at number 1. Hence the most likely address of the router is 192.1681.1.
Router's Web Page
Entering the router's IP address into a web browser to view its settings.
The password is nearly always 'admin' unless your service provider has decided that you should not be allowed to see your router and have changed the password.
Once the correct password is entered then find where device IPs are listed.
In this particular case under 'Network Map' select 'Wired Clients' or 'Wireless Clients' to view the different devices IP address.