Peasy Copy Commander

Discovery Protocol

The discovery protocol uses a multicast IP address. It is used when the networking option is enabled. When Peasy Copy Commander starts up it sends a hello JSON packet on the multicast address. All other Commanders that are also network and are listening on the same address and port number will receive the packet.



Hello Packet

Once received if the packet does not contain a "To" item or a "Refresh:true" item then the Commander will also respond with its "Hello" packet. However this packet will also contain the "To" item. This enables a Commander that has just started up to receive a response from all the available Commanders and hence will have a complete list of machine it can communicate with.


struct HELLO_PKT {

String Cmd;

String To;

String From;

bool Refresh;



Commanders can send the hello packet again with the "Refresh:true" every couple of minutes, however other Commanders will not reply to this.

The label Cmd is always "Hello", To



Packet Label



This is always "Hello"


Only set or used if the hello is meant specifically for a particular machine. It is an IP address or host name.


Must always be set to the IP address or host name of the machine which is sending the packet


Only set if this packet is sent as a refresh. This can be every couple of minutes. If it is not a refresh packet then the label does not need to be included



Bye Packet

When the Commander is closing it will send a bye packet, informing others that it is no longer available


struct HELLO_PKT {

String Cmd;

String From;




Packet Label



This is always "Bye"


Must always be set to the IP address or host name of the machine which is sending the packet. It must correspond to what is used in the Hello packet.



File Protocol

This is documented on this page.



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